Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mirror, Mirror...Am I As Successful As I Want to Be?

Let's face it, we as human beings need motivation or some type of inspiration to achieve our goals. For some, it's money. For others, it may be fame (such as celebrities). And yet others may be motivated or inspired by a higher calling (such as humanitarians). So take a moment and think about with your business, what is it that you hope to achieve? Is it financial success? Perhaps fame? Or is it something else?

Here's a 5-minute exercise I want you all to try:

  1. First of all, have a notepad and pen handy.

  2. Close your eyes and visualize a picture of yourself as a sucessful business owner. What do you see?

  3. Visualize your bank account---what do you see as a balance?

  4. Who do you see yourself surrounded by?

  5. Open your eyes and write down what you saw. Make it into a statement about who you want to be.

  6. Post it near your desk so you physically see it every day. Every morning, repeat the statement you wrote.

The more you visualize your success and what it looks like, the better your chances are of achieving it. Never lose sight of your vision and become blinded by things that distract you from that picture of your success.


Jennifer Wong is a successful solo entreprenuer who began her business over 10 years ago, pioneering the way for many successful internet entrepreneurs. She offers home-based business coaching and mentorship programs and a biweekly ezine from her website,

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