Monday, February 2, 2009

Don't Paint Yourself Into a Corner!

Take a moment and close your eyes. Visualize your business’s success. How does it look? Jot down your how your picture of success looks. Setting goals for yourself gives you measurable rungs on the ladder of success, eliminating the chances you'll paint yourself into a corner.

Setting and refining your goals is an important step to achieving them! You can't box yourself into a corner if you are constantly reviewing your work.

Keep in mind that some of your goals may change as you achieve them, or as your business evolves. I always find goal-setting a great motivator.

I usually set my goals twice a year to make sure I have achievable success. A good time to set goals and re-work your vision is at the end of the year, right before New Years. This enables you to focus the year ahead on achieving your success.

Jennifer Wong is a successful solo entreprenuer who began her business over 10 years ago, pioneering the way for many successful internet entrepreneurs. She offers home-based business coaching and mentorship programs and a biweekly ezine from her website,

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