Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting the most out of your time...

As an entrepreneur for the last ten years, I have learned greatly from the mistakes I've made as well as the "home runs" I've made. I've compiled a list of tips to help you manage your time and business efficiently so that you have more time to devote to doing what you love to do best.

  1. Have a schedule for the week. I'm not saying that you need to plan every minute but I've found it extremely helpful to plan the week out in advance. For example, Monday, post to blog, check in social networking sites, client check in calls. Tuesday, article marketing and social networking site check in. Planning out what days you do what can help you maximize how much time you have for other work and down time.
  2. Decide ahead of time what hours are business hours for you. For example, if you have a child who goes to school, perhaps your hours would be during school hours. Or, if you have a toddler, your business hours could maybe be nap times and at night. Having set hours also helps you avoid the "all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl" syndrome.
  3. Have a whiteboard and calendar posted up prominently where you can see them. I put all my goals for the week on one whiteboard and on another put projects for each client and due dates. Being able to visualize what you have on your plate helps it not seem so overwhelming---especially when you can wipe it off when it's done!
  4. Put all your tasks and reminders in Outlook under the Task Manager setting. It will automatically come up when you open Outlook and serves as an additional reminder of what you have going on.

Want more tips? Sign up for my bi-weekly ezine, jammed pack of tips and resources for your home business. To sign up, send an email to: with your first name in the subject line.


Jennifer Wong is a successful solo entreprenuer who began her business over 10 years ago, pioneering the way for many successful internet entrepreneurs. She offers home-based business coaching and mentorship programs and a biweekly ezine from her website,

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